Sunday, May 16, 2010

Carhartts and Vans

We're not quite ready to pull them off in the same outfit, but we're enjoying them all the same!

He's also enjoying his walker a little. Almost tall enough to touch the ground!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week at Grammys

Jacob and Magy come home tomorrow, but Grammy has already started emailing her camera full of pictures out to the masses. Here are some pics of the week in Oklahoma and the trip up there.
I guess he didn't mind the airport much.

It's only been a week since I've seen him, but he already looks bigger! And he's certainly smiling more and able to hold himself up better.

They say he's starting to interact a little more with the world around him. So hopefully we'll start to have some fun with the house load of toys we've got around here when he gets back!