Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Flight

So Magy, Jacob, and Grammy took a flight to Tulsa on Sunday. It was Jacob's first flight. I heard it went well and he got a little certificate from Southwest memorializing the occasion. The day after a big trip is usually hard for him (at least it was hard for mommy and daddy after we took our last driving trip to Oklahoma), but I heard he's doing alright with everything.

If it looks like they're laughing in the picture, it's because I took like 5 pictures, and just as I was getting ready to snap it Jacob would turn his head away from me. Apparently he didn't want his picture taken.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 Month Check-up

We had our 2 month check-up and immunizations today. Little man wasn't too pleased with the shots, but he did pretty well until the last shot. With that one he hit a blood curdling pitch. But he settled down pretty quickly and was hungry by the time we got home. Here were our 2 month stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz (he gained 5 pounds)
Length: 24 inches (he grew 3.5 inches)

In response to his increased size, I received the following email from my dad:
"I just received a text from you guys with Jacob's new stats. I'm only going to say two words------TIGHT END!!!!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Put Up Yer Dukes!

So Jacob has discovered his fists and is having a good time with them. Here's his latest way to pass the time:

Step 1: Locate fist
Step 2: Attempt to catch fist in mouth
Step 3: Suckle
Step 4: Repeat

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Milkohol Blackout

Oh man, it was crazy! I was soooo hammered! The last thing I remember was doing milk shots and then I woke up with my pants off, surrounded by circus animals! Anyone seen my binky?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jido Suleiman does a feeding.

We got jido to give a feeding last week. Things have been a little hectic around the house so I haven't been able to get the pictures up!We think they both did a pretty good job with it. A little more practice with the burping and we'll have another sitter!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jacob's Busy Easter Weekend

We took Jacob to Oklahoma for Easter. In Coweta, Jacob . . .
Met his great-grandmas

Said "Hey" to Aunt Gay And "Whoa!" to Cousin Summer

Got walked by Grampa And bathed by Grammy

Went to Church with Mom & Dad

And slept like a log