Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane!

Nope. It's just finally asleep.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Magic Carpet Ride

It's all fine and dandy till he clinches his fist and spasms in his sleep. And Daddy gets the Jacob hair removal treatment.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Texas Tough?

Or possibly Texas Tantrum

Or perhaps Texas Tuckered?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Ask Me

Talk to his mother. Apparently 1 month is the age to begin accessorizing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

a long afternoon

It's been kind of a long afternoon. Jacob has had some issues with gas and hasn't eaten very much. He and Magy finally tuckered out about 20 minutes ago though. Looks like they're down for a little while!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rolling the Dice - Sleep vs. Gas facial expressions

I'm on spring break this week and had a little time on my hands. Magy and I have become accustomed to the many faces of Mr. Jacob over the last few weeks so I thought I'd share a little glimpse into a minute of his day. I'm trying out a new method to post videos using YouTube and embedding them into the blog. Hope nobody has any difficulties getting the video to open.

This little video tracks the Sleep-Gas-Sleep expressions that we see countless times a day. He makes us laugh all the time at the goofy little things he does. We'll be sure to save this video for the first girl that he brings home!

On a side note, Jacob turns one month old on Sunday. Grammy and Grampa Morton will be in town to celebrate with us. If anyone would like to stop by during the day, you're more than welcome.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jammy Jams

Yeah, I'll just lay here to make sure mom gets some sleep.... Just let me know if you need something. Maybe a daily dose of cuteness? I've gotcha covered on that one mom.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just Chillin' with Dad

You know, catching up on some TV and lounging around the house like the big people

So we went to the doctor this morning. The diaper rash almost went away but then manifested into some strain of jock itch. The little guy just can't catch a break. We noticed some little pimply looking bumps yesterday on his lower abdomen, and the doctor said that was the beginning of a yeast infection. We bought some Lotrimin and are combining that with some A&D ointment.

Aside from that, his cord stump has been bleeding more than normal so the doctor put some silver nitrate on the spot that was "oozing" to try and cauterize the area. No more washing the area with alcohol now, just soap and water.

While we were waiting for the doctor, we took advantage of the scales and discovered that his weight has increased to right around 9 pounds. We could find the measuring thing they use for length though, so we'll just have to do an at-home measurement for that.

My next little project around the house is to modify the Graco Pack N' Play music/vibration control center. The stupid thing has a 15 minute auto shut-off for both the vibration and the music part. So right about the time he falls asleep, all that stuff shuts off and he goes into a little tear. We don't use the vibration a whole lot, but when we need it - WE SERIOUSLY NEED IT. I may crack that open later today and see what I can figure out. It can't be that hard to change right?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cruisin' para chicas

So Mommy was getting a little tired of seeing Jacob in onesie gowns for the last two weeks and decided it was time for a new fashion statement - pants, socks, and all.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's go scootin' now, everybody's learnin' how . . .

The weather outside is weather . . .

We've been trying to keep him awake for an hour after each feeding before we put him down for his naps (at night he'll just feed and go to sleep though). Mommy was supposed to be keeping him awake but was falling down on the job a little - a little too interested in making baby announcements for some reason. So I thought I would strap on my Baby Bjorn and toodle around outside.

But what outing would be complete without a little scooter time!?!?

That's "Mr. Thomas Jacob" thank you very much

So I guess now he really exists. Bring on the tax deductions!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Jacob has had a few visitors in the last few days. Heather and Eliot came over Friday and hung out for a few minutes. They both held and cooed over him. He acted pretty well; no outbursts - gas or otherwise.

Uncle Neil and Aunt Nikki came down from Oklahoma on Saturday to see him. They spent the day in Austin and headed back late Saturday night. Aunt Nikki is about 5 months pregnant and the drive was almost too far for her to make in one day so they decided to break the trip back to Oklahoma into two pieces: staying in Hillsboro last night and driving the rest today.

Again, Jacob had a good day while they were here. We had quite a laugh when Jacob expelled a little tummy gas on Uncle Neil. He almost jumped off the couch when he felt it. I don't think he was expecting such a violent explosion from such a small package!

If you can see in the picture with Uncle Neil, Jacob's little cheeks are filling in. He's starting to get a little jowly and pack on some weight. We don't have another pediatrician's appointment for 6 weeks. We're thinking that Jacob will be at least 13 pounds by that time and we'll be starting some solid foods in his diet.

Overall, we had a good weekend with the company. Saturday night was a little long b/c Jacob was only feeding for about 15 minutes at a time (as opposed to 30-45) between 2 AM and 6 AM so he would only sleep an hour or so before he would wake up cranky again. Hopefully tonight will go a little better.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wishbone wishes . . .

. . . for 3 full hours of sleep?

Mah buns are burnin! Mah buns are burnin!

Diaper rash! Little man's not having much fun today. It got bad last night and is a little better today. Christi said she alternated between corn starch and a paste called "Mrs. Meyers Clean Balm." We've been using "Butt Paste" for the last few days and just switched to an Aveeno brand this morning. They both have the same Zinc Oxide active ingredient in them, so I'm not sure if the switch will change anything.

"S" is for S-ooothing? S-alve? S-tarch? S-upaSonic? (Mommy has been on a Salt-n-Peppa kick today and now we both have the song stuck in our heads) The shaker did have salt in it, but I cleaned it out and put corn starch in it. It works surprisingly well. Also, Tracy Strober bought us some cloth diapers so I cut them up and put them in the warmer in place of the baby wipes. The pediatrician said the chlorine in the wipes may irritate his skin until he gets a little older.

Daddy (being the handy-dandy mofo that he is), folded the cut up diaper sections into each other so we could still use the wipe warmer the same as we did with store-bought wipes. We're gonna try to wash and recycle the wipes - we'll see how that actually turns out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Second Doctor's Appointment

Today we had our second appointment. Thomas hadn't grown at all, but he did gain some weight. He's now at 8 lbs 2 ozs. Again, we had a great ride to and from the hospital - not a single whimper or cry out of him.

They drew some blood for tests and checked out his umbilical cord. It looks like we need to start moving that around to get some more of the cord exposed. His circumcision looked good and we don't have to vaseline that any more. He said something about some bit of skin that was attached in various parts that would become more detached as he grows - not sure that I understood all that.

We had a good night last night. Thomas slept very well. He did get a little ornery early this morning, but we attribute a lot of that to gas. Christi and Jill came on Monday and Christi noted something called "Gripe Water" that helped with the gas. Supposedly her pediatrician told her she could put it in the breast milk or just give it to him orally. We may try that this evening.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Grammy and Grampa are pretty funny!

Monday, March 1, 2010

First post. Just wanted to see if I could upload a video of Thomas' first bottle feeding. Hopefully this will work!