Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't drink and drive

You might spill your milk! This is a little car that Grammy got a few weeks ago. A little walk is a great way to get him mellowed out a little.

He had his 9 month appointment last week and was 22 lbs, 3 oz and 30.5" long. He's about a pound heavier and a half inch longer than I was at that age. He's gonna be big! Also, he's got 6 teeth now - 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. And we think he might have some more coming in somewhere because his drooling has really ramped up in the last few days.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Open the Door, Get on the floor

Everybody walk the Dinosaur!

He's not walking yet, but he sure is trying.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You gnome it's Halloween

Just a little garden gnome family ready for some trick or treats!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Fun

We've had a fun couple of weeks in Coweta. Last week we went to the County Fair and he got to check out the livestock.
He enjoyed the pigs.

But the sheep, mmmm, not so much.

This week Coweta is having its annual Fall Festival. Last night was wristband night (apparently "the" night to go) and he got to ride his first carnival ride. He had a good time on the Merry Go Round.

Aside from that, he's changed a lot too in the last few weeks. He's got two bottom front teeth and is starting to eat like a little person.

He likes his rice mum mums quite a bit.

and being lazy on the couch with dad

And he's mobile now too. The kid is crawling EVERYWHERE. The same day that he started crawling all over the place he also pulled himself up in his crib.

It's been an eventful two weeks. Everyday few days now he's doing something new. He'll probably be waling before too long!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Go Horns!

judging by the score it looks like the Horns need a little support right now

Monday, August 23, 2010

6 Month Birthday

We had a little 6 month birthday this weekend. Nothing big, just a little get together. Looks like the boy enjoyed himself.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Some 5 month photos

Grammy took some 5 month photos last week. Thought I'd share.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just relaxin on Dad's belly for a sec

Nothing special here. We just thought it was funny how he leaned over and propped himself up on his elbow.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mmmmm....yummy carrots

We've moved from peas to carrots. I promise we're not color coordinating on purpose. But carrots do stain everything horribly, so we tried not to ruin a white bib.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Study Buddy

I needed a little help studying today. Jacob had to help me with some of the Family Law questions . . . something about child support.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spoon Fed Yo!

We had our first spoon feeding experience yesterday - peas (they didn't smell too appetizing). We think he might have actually ingested some, though plenty ended up on his face!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Boy CAN Sleep When He Wants To

Just some funny shots of Jacob comatose. . .
Yes, that's a Texas Armadillo.

He was a little crabby before this walk.

Aaaaand, we're out.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Big boy time!

Jacob hit 3 months on May 21st and got to walk in graduation with me. The weekend served as a pseudo-graduation for him too. Since then we've started taking him out of the house more and prepping him for some big-boy-type activities. Last weekend he went swimming at Magy's parents. We've got some video of that which I'll post later, but for now, here's a pic of his (brief) time in his floaty frog. He enjoyed being held in the water more than just floating in the frog.

Today, we sat him up in his Bumbo seat for the first time and began to simulate some spoon eating. He seemed not to mind the spoon to much (not that he particularly cared for it with no food on it, but at least he wasn't scared or mad at it). His back/neck strength is progressing well and he's able to hold himself up - for at least long enough to take a picture!

The doctor has told us that it's too early for him to start teething anytime soon, but the kid has some SERIOUS drool going on. You might be able to see in the picture a string of drool going from the corner of his mouth to the Bumbo tray. That stuff is industrial! Needless to say Magy and I have new shoulder accessories for all of our clothing now - drool stains!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Carhartts and Vans

We're not quite ready to pull them off in the same outfit, but we're enjoying them all the same!

He's also enjoying his walker a little. Almost tall enough to touch the ground!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week at Grammys

Jacob and Magy come home tomorrow, but Grammy has already started emailing her camera full of pictures out to the masses. Here are some pics of the week in Oklahoma and the trip up there.
I guess he didn't mind the airport much.

It's only been a week since I've seen him, but he already looks bigger! And he's certainly smiling more and able to hold himself up better.

They say he's starting to interact a little more with the world around him. So hopefully we'll start to have some fun with the house load of toys we've got around here when he gets back!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Flight

So Magy, Jacob, and Grammy took a flight to Tulsa on Sunday. It was Jacob's first flight. I heard it went well and he got a little certificate from Southwest memorializing the occasion. The day after a big trip is usually hard for him (at least it was hard for mommy and daddy after we took our last driving trip to Oklahoma), but I heard he's doing alright with everything.

If it looks like they're laughing in the picture, it's because I took like 5 pictures, and just as I was getting ready to snap it Jacob would turn his head away from me. Apparently he didn't want his picture taken.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 Month Check-up

We had our 2 month check-up and immunizations today. Little man wasn't too pleased with the shots, but he did pretty well until the last shot. With that one he hit a blood curdling pitch. But he settled down pretty quickly and was hungry by the time we got home. Here were our 2 month stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz (he gained 5 pounds)
Length: 24 inches (he grew 3.5 inches)

In response to his increased size, I received the following email from my dad:
"I just received a text from you guys with Jacob's new stats. I'm only going to say two words------TIGHT END!!!!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Put Up Yer Dukes!

So Jacob has discovered his fists and is having a good time with them. Here's his latest way to pass the time:

Step 1: Locate fist
Step 2: Attempt to catch fist in mouth
Step 3: Suckle
Step 4: Repeat

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Milkohol Blackout

Oh man, it was crazy! I was soooo hammered! The last thing I remember was doing milk shots and then I woke up with my pants off, surrounded by circus animals! Anyone seen my binky?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jido Suleiman does a feeding.

We got jido to give a feeding last week. Things have been a little hectic around the house so I haven't been able to get the pictures up!We think they both did a pretty good job with it. A little more practice with the burping and we'll have another sitter!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jacob's Busy Easter Weekend

We took Jacob to Oklahoma for Easter. In Coweta, Jacob . . .
Met his great-grandmas

Said "Hey" to Aunt Gay And "Whoa!" to Cousin Summer

Got walked by Grampa And bathed by Grammy

Went to Church with Mom & Dad

And slept like a log

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane!

Nope. It's just finally asleep.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Magic Carpet Ride

It's all fine and dandy till he clinches his fist and spasms in his sleep. And Daddy gets the Jacob hair removal treatment.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Texas Tough?

Or possibly Texas Tantrum

Or perhaps Texas Tuckered?